Guidelines for guest posting

  1. We can post your article under IPinfo team name or add an author feature if it's a guest post.
  2. For all guest posts, we usually add a note "With this guide written by _________ , we continue our series of articles written by data industry experts and professionals." (examples here and here)
  3. We only accept articles that are relevant to the topics we normally cover in the blog: IP data, geolocation, data in general, or remote work.


At IPinfo, we try to keep our language consistent. Our written content uses a tone that's professional, friendly, and well-researched. Here are the specific ways we accomplish this:

Quality: the type of content we publish

Because our audience consists of experts (and we mean experts) in cybersecurity, marketing, Ecommerce, Fintech, and beyond, we cannot accept poorly written content or guest posts. Here are examples of articles we cannot publish because to the results they produce:

  1. Content that's written without trying to understand the audience we serve. Result: This often results in dangerous points of view that can hurt our brand's reputation.
  2. Generic content that recycles or copies other articles on other sites. Result: Our customers aren't sure if they can trust our insights.
  3. Illogical content that's hard for readers to follow. Result: If our content isn't top quality, our customers assume our data isn't top quality either.
  4. Articles that are written poorly due to stacking SEO best practices rather than focusing on high-quality research and writing. Result: Since our customers are experts and developers in their industry, they're quickly turned off by pushy marketing jargon.
  5. SEO content that is written by AI and is poorly written. Result: If our content isn't top quality, our customers will assume our data isn't top quality either.
  6. Content with unnatural links to your site. Result: When backlinks drive content, readership takes a back seat - our users do not appreciate this. We only publish content that is valuable to our readers.

Without exception, we cannot accept content that exhibits poor quality (as listed above). This means the writer must research our audience and write from a point of view that answers the questions our customers are asking. (Hint: it's very obvious if that research hasn't been done.)

For those who want to understand our audience and create high-quality content, we'll provide you with some starting points for understanding our audience in the following sections.

Audience: the people who will be reading our content

We serve a wide audience, ranging from Cybersecurity CEOs to tech developers, from product managers to marketing teams. This particular audience doesn't resonate with typical marketing jargon but appreciates content that helps them learn how to develop better product or service applications.

That's why we often focus on informing or educating our audience. They don't like to be pushed into buying a product or service. Instead, they prefer to find and educate themselves about the right solution to their problem.

We understand that our audience is a little more complex than most. So here are some resources to help you start researching our typical readers. If you don't have time to do this step, then we can already tell you that we probably won't publish your article.